Monday, January 11, 2010

RABS November 30-December 4, 2009

Kindergarten: Prayer for a Child by Rachel Field; Catfish by Jill Newton. After reading these two, we compared the illustrations as a class.

Grade 1: May I Bring a Friend? By Beatrice Schenk De Regniers.

Grade 2: May I Bring a Friend? By Beatrice Schenk De Regniers. After reading this book with grades 1 and 2 classes, we discussed why authors would want their book to win awards (such as the Caldecott Medal or Honor).

Some reasons:

1. For popularity, can sell other books that the author has written

2. Can sell lots of books as they are featured, higher demands by libraries and readers so publishers to reprints

3. Books get translated around the world

4. More ideas?

Grade 2’s were very excited to find out what the medals mean and their value. Allowed them to vote by show of hands if they thought this book deserved the Caldecott Medal award- all said yes!

Grade 3: Binky the Space Cat by Ashley Spires (first half) Introduction to comic style illustrations in this humorous story of a cat with a lot of imagination. A great time to share our graphic novel style Bible books.

Grade 4: African Acrostics: A Word in Edgeways- Poems by Avis Harley. This is just an awesome book with terrific photography and clever poems. Discussed use of photography as illustrations in book making. Fits in with Grade 4 poetry unit.

Grade 5: African Acrostics by Avis Harley.

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