May 2011 is...
Arthritis Awareness Month
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Better Hearing and Speech Month Family Wellness Month Fibromyalgia Education and Awareness Month Get Caught Reading Month Heal the Children Month Healthy Vision Month Huntington's Disease Awareness Month Jewish American Heritage Month Latino Books Month Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month National Allergy/Asthma Awareness Month National Better Hearing Month National Bike Month National Family Month (5/8-6/19) National Guide Dog Month National Hamburger Month National Hepatitis Awareness Month National Mental Health Month National Military Appreciation Month National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month National Physical Fitness and Sports Month National Preservation Month National Radio Month National Stroke Awareness Month Personal History Month Teen Self-Esteem Month Ultraviolet Awareness Month Women's Health Care Month
Flower: Lily of the Valley or Hawthorn
Birthstone: Emerald
Moons: New (5/3); First Quarter (5/10); Full (5/17); Last Quarter (5/24)
Be Kind to Animals Week (5/1-5/7)
Children's Book Week (5/2-5/8)
Flexible Work Arrangements Week (5/1-5/7) Goodwill Industries Week (5/1-5/7) Kids Win Week (5/1-5/7) National Family Week (5/1-5/7) National Nurses Week (5/6-5/12) National Pet Week (5/1-5/7) National Wildflower Week (5/2-5/8) Spring Astronomy Week (5/2-5/8) Teacher Appreciation Week (5/1-5/7) May Day (in some places, Labor Day) 5/1 Melanoma Monday (5/2) Robert's Rules Day (5/2) Childhood Depression Awareness Day (5/3) National Teacher Day (5/3)
UN: World Press Freedom Day (5/3)
Japan: Greeenery Day (5/4)
National Day of Prayer (5/4 or 5/6)??
Star Wars Day (5/4) (May the 4th be with you....) Cinco de Mayo (5/5) South Korea: Children's Day (5/4) Military Spouse Appreciation Day (5/6)
Cannes Film Festival (5/15-5/22)
National Etiquette Week (5/8-5/14)
National Nursing Home Week (5/8-5/14)
Mother's Day; World Red Cross Day (5/8)
Birthday of the Buddha (Day of Vesak) (5/10) World Lupus Day (5/10) National Receptionists Day (5/11) National School Nurse Day (5/11) Limerick Day (5/12) Friday the Thirteenth (5/13) National Migratory Bird Day (5/14)
International New Friends, Old Friends Week (5/15-5/21) NCAA Division I Women's Golf Championships (5/17-5/20) National Dog Bite Prevention Week (5/16-5/22) National Police Week (5/15-5/21) National Return to Work Week (5/15-5/21) National Transportation Week (5/15-5/21) World Trade Week (5/15-5/21) Biographers Day (5/16) Flower Moon (5/17)
UN: World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (5/17)
Haiti: Flag and University Day (5/18)
International Museum Day (5/18)
Turn Beauty Inside Out (5/18)
Turkey: Youth and Sports Day (5/19)
Denmark: Common Prayer Day (5/20)
Eliza Doolittle Day (5/20)
National Bike to Work Day (5/20)
National Defense Transportation Day (5/20) Weights and Measures Day (5/20) Armed Forces Day (5/21) Endangered Species Day (5/21)
National Backyard Games Week (5/23-5/30) National Geographic Bee Finals (5/24-5/25) World Turtle Day (5/23) National Missing Children's Day (5/25) Memorial Day (5/30)
Remember--the list is just for fun. Not responsible for errors/omissions.